The Dusty Dog

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Speaking of voting.....

New Zogby Poll On Electronic Voting Attitudes
Monday, 21 August 2006, 11:00 pm
Article: Michael Collins
New Zogby Poll: It’s Nearly Unanimous

A recent Zogby poll documents ground breaking information on the attitudes of American voters toward electronic voting. They are quite clear in the belief that the outcome of an entire election can be changed due to flaws in computerized voting machines. At a stunning rate of 92%, Americans insist on the right to watch their votes being counted. And, at an overwhelming 80%, they strongly object to the use of secret computer software to tabulate votes without citizen access to that software.


Viewing vote counting will soon become a process of watching computers, somewhat akin to watching the radio, but without sound. Secret vote counting with computer software that citizens cannot review is now a fait accompli. Most contracts between boards of elections and voting equipment manufacturers bar both elections officials and members of the public from any access to the most important computer software; the source code that directs all the functions of the voting machines, including vote counting.


The supreme irony is that HAVA was sold to Congress as the solution to the problems of the Florida 2000 election. Of course, we now know that as many as 50,000 black Floridians were wrongly removed from the voting rolls through a highly suspect “felon purge” that missed felons but captured legitimate registered voters. And we know further that over 100,000 ballots in mostly black precincts were disqualified due to the old voter suppression standby, “spoiled ballots. ” Neither of those voting rights and civil rights problems is addressed by HAVA. It’s all about “the machines.”
Something to seriously think about as we move towards November. If the repugs, via Diebold and the likes of Blackwell are responsible for the vote counting, it's a fairly safe bet that the repugs will maintain control of the house. They are already proven liars, thieves and scoundrels. If the dems are in charge, which is highly unlikely given that they are the minority party, then I hope like hell that they don't fall for the tactics that the Floridians and the Ohians resorted to in 2000 and 2004, respectively. All I really want to see is an honest, fair and open election process. Isn't that something we, as Americans, so highly tout around the world? And, after the day is done, I sure as shit hope the repugs are given the boot.

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