Midterm Elections Quickly Approaching
I was driving home from work this evening, listening to NPR's All Things Considered. There was a segment about how badly dubya is doin' in the polls, which is now at a 61% disapproval rating for his Iraq debaucle. Then, there's a recording of him saying (and I'm paraphrasing) that "he cares what people think about the job he's doing, he really does, and he understands that people are feeling somewhat discouraged about the situation in Iraq." Discouraged? DISCOURAGED???!!! I'm not discouraged. Most, if not all of the 61% are not discouraged. We're disgusted. Completely and totally disgusted. And outraged. And I, for one, was completely disgusted and outraged from the very beginning, before the march to war.I'm just waiting for the Dems to take Congress in '04, so the impeachment proceedings can begin. The dumbass cockroach and his dick and all the others lied like rugs to get the Iraq invasion "approved" by Congress. They aren't even admitting that they used 9/11 as a pretext for the war. Dubya is saying "we never said Iraq was responsible for 9/11." Excuse me, but he did. His dick did. They lied, and our soldiers are dying by the thousands. Iraqis are dying by the thousands.
And, in order to maintain this gigundo fiasco, they have had to sidestep the Constitution over and over. They've lied and they've broken laws, which qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors. I suggest you read Old American Century's 14 Points of Fascism, and compare what's happening in this country to what happened in Germany in the run-up to WWII.
Yeah, this is all old rants, old news, old issues. But, we're quickly moving forward to the November elections. And, that's a big deal. I think that this may prove to be one of the most important midterm elections in modern American history. And, I think the repugs know it. What I fear is another series of voter roles being purged by a repug-loving company; a bunch of easily manipulatable electronic voting machines; conflicts of interest between election commissions and their chairpeople who are prone to stealing elections. I suspect that an awful lot of corruption comperable to the stealing of the 2000 and 2004 elections will resurface.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
1 comment(s):
I'd prefer they set up a souvenier stand in Baghdad. But, Miami is acceptable.
By Dusty Dog, at 8:43 AM
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