The Dusty Dog

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Whose Side Are You On, People?

I cannot help but wonder why anyone, even conservatives, support this administration given the latest reports that illustrate in the finest of details that Bush and Cheney lied to the American people about the Iraqi threats, and weapons of mass distruction, and the fraudulent Niger documents. It's all out there now. Do we really have to wait until the Dems take office to begin impeachment proceedings against these traitors? In fact, I really do believe that if any Congressional representative, from either the House or the Senate, still supports dubya and his dick, then s/he, too, is guilty of treason against the American people. The lines are being drawn, and history is being written. Whose side are you on, people? Those who stand for democracy and the American people, or those who stand for fascism, repression and global war crimes, including mass murder?

This article, Administration: What Bush Was Told About Iraq, is out there for the world to read; for everyone to see. Doubt is gone. This entire administration is complicit in war crimes, crimes of aggression, and lying to the American people. Read some excerps, then please go read the entire article.

Two highly classified intelligence reports delivered directly to President Bush before the Iraq war cast doubt on key public assertions made by the president, Vice President Cheney, and other administration officials as justifications for invading Iraq and toppling Saddam Hussein, according to records and knowledgeable sources.

The first report, delivered to Bush in early October 2002, was a one-page summary of a National Intelligence Estimate that discussed whether Saddam's procurement of high-strength aluminum tubes was for the purpose of developing a nuclear weapon.

Among other things, the report stated that the Energy Department and the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research believed that the tubes were "intended for conventional weapons," a view disagreeing with that of other intelligence agencies, including the CIA, which believed that the tubes were intended for a nuclear bomb.

The disclosure that Bush was informed of the DOE and State dissents is the first evidence that the president himself knew of the sharp debate within the government over the aluminum tubes during the time that he, Cheney, and other members of the Cabinet were citing the tubes as clear evidence of an Iraqi nuclear program. Neither the president nor the vice president told the public about the disagreement among the agencies.

In other words, dubya and his dick cherry-picked the intelligence they wanted to support the Iraqi invasion, while never disclosing that there were dissenting opinions within the intelligence community. That's treasonous. The burning question is Why? Why were they so hot to trot our troops into Iraq? Here's more:

The second classified report, delivered to Bush in early January 2003, was also a summary of a National Intelligence Estimate, this one focusing on whether Saddam would launch an unprovoked attack on the United States, either directly, or indirectly by working with terrorists.

The report stated that U.S. intelligence agencies unanimously agreed that it was unlikely that Saddam would try to attack the United States -- except if "ongoing military operations risked the imminent demise of his regime" or if he intended to "extract revenge" for such an assault, according to records and sources.

When World War II was over, I can imagine the German people who supported Hitler's reign of power, hate and death were scurrying like rats to attempt to prove that they did not support Hitler. They knew that the world was going to hold them accountable for their support of that madman, and to this day, people deny (whether true or not) that they ever supported the Hitler regime. I see a parallel history here in the United States of America. Who ever would have thought that, as a nation of the "free world", we could have collectively sunk so low as to support our dubya regime madman? In a million years, I would have never believed it. Now, it is playing out before our very eyes. For many more, it's playing out before their very lives.

3 comment(s):

I've never met a German that wasn't a cook during the war. There were no soldiers, there were no death camps... everyone lied!
With today's media, it is impossible for anyone to say "I didn't know"!... so Americand better start getting ready to answer your question... "Which side are you on"?
I think you know where I stand...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:00 PM  

I'm on the side of the working class. I'm on the side of true democracy. I'm on the side of true freedom. Guess which side the chimp and the $9 million dollar dick is on?

And I think it's also pretty easy to figure out which side us three are on...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:01 PM  

Check your 'alternative' email

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:26 PM  

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