The Dusty Dog

Sunday, December 25, 2005

85% Majority


As you can see from my blogsite, this site, Dustydoggie, I am an ardent supporter of impeaching our clueless leader. If he were to be seriously indicted, and tried, I'd bet dollars to donuts the bum would be convicted. And, as an impeached and convicted president, he would not qualify for ever being pardoned. Sounds kind of nice, doesn't it. NO PARDON EVER FOR THE DUBYA DUMMY. EVER.

Well, thanks to one of my all-time favorite websites, Buzzflash, I came across this little ditty about this very topic. Today, at MSNBC is a live and ongoing poll asking whether you believe that Bush should be impeached. There is also a disclaimer at the bottom indicating that this is not "scientific". Scientific or not, 85% is a HUGE majority. Calls for his impeachemt is so far in the lead that any margin of error wouldn't negate this majority. It's about time. Are the sheeple waking up?

Of course, I cannot emphasize enough that one cannot be impeached without the other. Bush's puppet master also has to go. Besides, who ever saw an uglier, more evil mug on any one in recent memory? Evil freakin' bastard. Impeach them both. Send them both to jail. No pardons ever for either one of them. Hold them accountable for the tens of thousands of lives destroyed, for the killing and maiming and wanton destruction, for the illegal wiretapping of Americans, for the multitude of lies upon lies, for the wasted money and resources, for the associations with abject criminals who preside over today's Congress. We're not talking about a stained blue dress, for God's sake. We talking about money and lives and tyrannical powers. Posted by Picasa

2 comment(s):

There is always hope that he will be convicted. The murderer that calls himself Prime Minister of Israel almos was in the Hague... but of course, he refused to stand trial.
In the end, justice always triumphs... so never give give up hope.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:57 PM  

We are a nation ruled by pigs. Criminals. Bastards.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:08 AM  

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