The Dusty Dog

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Where's The Outrage?

When I first read the article about McStupid busing in 4,000 Florida school children into his rally to fill a 6,000 person venue (if that's what it was), I found it amusing that the low-life candidate of the republican party just can't get enough people at his rallies, while Obama can't fit everyone who shows up into his. I do find it amusing.

On second thought, however, I find it to be outrageous. If I was a parent of one of those kids, I'd be outraged. Of course, given my political bias, getting bused to a McStupid rally would be the worst. But, getting bused to any political rally, including an Obama rally, is an outrage. In this particular case, "The entire 2,500-student Defiance School District was in attendance, the official said, in addition to at least three other schools from neighboring districts, one of which sent 14 buses."
Fourteen buses??!! Was this an appropriate use of anyone's school tax dollars? What about the separation of politics and education, particularly for grade schools? If I was a parent of one of those children, I'd sue the ass off McStupid, his campaign, his advisors, and the school district. As a matter of fact, I'd absolutely insist, via court order if necessary, that the McCain camp show how they paid for this venture. If they didn't, they'd damned well better. I'd make that part of the law suit settlement. Where's the outrage? Where's the ACLU?

As a parent (my two children are grown now), I sent my kids to school under the assumption that they were relatively safe, hopefully learning, essentially handing over the responsibility of them to the Board of Education, the school district from where I live. If I found out later that my children were then plucked from that school setting to fill a political venue, I'd be livid. This McStupid stunt goes beyond the pale. It's a violation of trust. It's inappropriate beyond belief.

I would think that this would go without saying, but apparently nothing goes without saying. These are CHILDREN! Children in their formative years, not yet old enough to make mature decisions. For cryin' out loud!!! They were sent to school, for cryin' out loud. To learn, for cryin' out loud. Not to be used as props for a political rally. Where's the outrage?

And, not for nothin', but I'd bet dollars to donuts that if it was the Obama camp who bused in the children (which I trust they'd never even think of doing), the republican dirtbags would be on a tear about how the liberals are trying to steal the minds of the children by turning them into socialist automatons. I'd guarantee that.

For anyone that's interested, I did a bit of google digging, and came up with these images of the rally, and worse yet, the actual text that the school district put on the site.
John McCain Visits Defiance
October 30, 2008

Defiance students were extremely fortunate to see our political process in action when Presidential Candidate John McCain visited our city. Every child had the opportunity to attend the rally held in front of the Middle School/Junior High Complex. It was an educational experience that will be long remembered.
I continue to be amazed at the depths that the McStupid camp will plumb to maybe eek out a victory next week. I continue to be amazed at what our society allows them to get away with. I continue to be totally amazed, and outraged.

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