DRILL, Baby, dri.......
I found this article in the Smirking Chimp. It's too good to pass up...Palin calls for oil drilling while speaking at solar panel plant
submitted by classwarfare on October 30, 2008 - 1:08pm
click to view article from ap.google.com
Palin spoke after touring Xunlight Corp., one of a handful of solar technology startup companies in Toledo, a struggling industrial city in this swing state. The city's leaders are hoping that the solar companies will create jobs to replace some of those lost by downsizing in the auto industry.
But Palin made only a passing reference to solar power in her speech and instead renewed her call for more drilling in U.S. coastal waters. She repeated her signature anthem, "drill, baby, drill," which seemed to fall a bit flat on the audience at the plant even as it's become a popular chant at her rallies.
2 comment(s):
I heard the chant "drill baby, drill" compared to chanting "IBM Selectric, IBM Selectric." That technology is done.
sue rouda, at
9:20 AM
I certainly would like to think that drilling technology is done, but I doubt "they" will let it go.
This article is so ludicrous demonstrating what a complete idiot, robot, & automaton Palin is. Can't even speak on a topic appropriate to her audience. She's given a script, and is completely unable to, or not allowed to, digress in any way, lest she create a gaffe. Her whole life is a gaffe.
Nanse, at
12:04 PM
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