The Dusty Dog

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fear and Frustration

"I read the news today, oh boy."

We're in trouble.

A Spy Speaks Out. "The former highest ranking CIA officer in Europe, Tyler Drumheller, also says that while the intelligence community did give the White House some bad intelligence, it also gave the White House good intelligence — which the administration chose to ignore."

CIA Fires Senior Officer Over Leaks "The Central Intelligence Agency has dismissed a senior career officer for disclosing classified information to reporters, including material for Pulitzer Prize-winning articles in The Washington Post about the agency's secret overseas prisons for terror suspects, intelligence officials said Friday."

US Intel Report: Major Increase In Terrorist Incidents
"In a report to be released next week, US government figures will show that the number of terrorist attacks in the world jumped sharply in 2005, totalling more than 10,000 for the first time. That is almost triple the number of terrorist attacks in 2004 -- 3,194."

Rising Oil Prices Worry Finance Ministers "Skyrocketing oil prices and massive trade imbalances between the United States and other countries represent serious threats to global growth and most be addressed, world finance leaders say. But they concede there are not any quick solutions to either problem."

I can go on and on, but I won't. Buzzflash, Old American Century, and Raw Story, to name a few, have already done that for us. But, my point here is the pattern exhibited by today's news stories; those that have made it into the headlines of major news outlets across the country and the world. The pattern, you ask? Oh yeah, the pattern. Every single freakin' example I posted above, combined with the stories you find all over the internet and the print media are about the fallout and results and ramifications of the incompetence, ineptitude, stupidity, and flat out criminality of the Bush White Wash, I mean House.

When the story was leaked that the US was sending detainees to secret prisons, dubya declared that he'd investigate the leak. Congress, of course, was silent on the whole issue of the secret prisons. Meanwhile, of course, the White Wash was busy leaking their own garbage and half-truths into the press. Fucking hypocrites and liars.

Now, you tell me....... are we safer from terrorism? No fucking way. The neocons mucked up the whole issue so severely that there has now been a triple-fold increase in terrorist incidents worldwide. If the world didn't hate us before the neocons stole the White Wash, they sure do now. They hate us with everything they've got, and that scares the bejeebers outta me.

Oil prices are through the roof, the gap between rich and poor is shameful, the holding of detainees in Gitmo even though the US knows they're innocent, the record profits to pharmaceutical companies and the oil industries and the CEO's everywhere, the 45,000 Americans with no health coverage, on and on and on.........

Sometimes, I just feel disheartened. Sometimes, I just get hopelessly frustrated. Sometime, I wonder why I even bother. This is one of those sometimes.

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