The Dusty Dog

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Griles, Repugs, NOT Gale Norton Too, and Dogfish Head

I think this is amazing stuff. Call it progress if you will, but I call it "it's about freakin' time" on two counts. First of all, Steven Griles has pled guilty. Second, the press is finally reporting stuff that the dubya dummies aren't happy about, and I'm sure it's because we now have a democratic congress. Lots of people seem to think that it doesn't make a squat of difference whether a person is a dem or a repug. I think it does, and particularly now.
[Geez, I'm having a hard time typing..... one beer and I'm toasted... Yea, Dogfish Head!!!)

I digress...............

Griles pled guilty for "testifying falsely before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on November 2, 2005, and during an earlier deposition with the panel's investigators on October 20, 2005." This according to CNN. As I said, two counts. A double whammy. I wrote about this miserably despicable piece of crap in January 2006, in an article called NOT Gale Norton, Too. The writing certainly was on the wall. But, I bet dollars to donuts, if the House and Senate stayed in Repugs' control, this story would have never seen the light of day. Either Griles never would have been prosecuted, and/or the press would not have bothered to write about it. So yes, boys and girls, it does make a difference. Dems in control of the House and Senate, in control of Congress in its entirety, seems to be bringing some modicum of sanity and accountability back to Washington.

Let's not forget, in all this excitement, that Gail Norton, former Secretary of the Interior, appointed by the dumbya dickwad himself, was Griles' boss. There's no way that I could ever believe that Norton is not complicit in the seedy transactions between Griles and Abramoff. Remember, folks, when Abramoff went down, Norton quietly resigned her post. Gee wizzakers, I wonder why? So, when is that dirtbag-ess going to get indicted?

Let's not get carried away here. DC is still a cesspool of corruption on so many levels, no doubt. But, I do believe that the Dems are more about maintaining their control and their jobs, thereby hovering ever so close to that fine line of corruption, but at least maybe, maybe some of them staying on the good side, whereas the repugs, in their ultimate desire for that selfish, self-serving, and self-enriching power grab, coupled with a virtual lack of concern for society at large, have almost in their collective entirety crossed that line a long fuckin' time ago.

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Tip of the Iceberg

First of all, I got this image from Informed Consent, wherein Juan Cole has written a very concise and illustrated review of the series of events that led to the U.S. invasion into Iraq, and the deliberate lies that took us there. It all revolves around the fraudulent Niger yellow cake story. Cole admits in this piece that he has no idea where the original artwork credit belongs for this image, is in fact all over the internet right now, but would be happy to give such credit, if the artist comes forward. I concur, and would do the same.

I am putting this image up for two reasons: first, to direct my readers to this website, as it really tells it all. It's so simple, really. And, the case for impeachment is so strong, that it would behoove our government, the democrats now running Congress, to initiate impeachment proceedings. Or, at the very least, begin a very concerted investigations effort, complete with subpoenas, to get to the bottom of what our American soldiers are dying for, being maimed for, why Iraq is in grip of death and ruins, and why the world is a less safe place now, as a direct result of this ill-advised and poorly waged war. To do anything less would serve only to act with some degree of complicity in this felonious debacle, thereby diminishing even further the already diminished credibility of the U.S. around the world.

I appreciate that the democrats are using their Congressional powers to hopefully force the dubya administration to withdraw/redeploy? the troops sooner, rather than later. But, that is a separate task. Investigations and impeachment must also be undertaken. Makes me wonder...... Can a president who is in the process of being impeached have the legal authority to pardon those who were complicit in the act for which he is being impeached? If that's the case, then that is just one more reason to initiate impeachment proceeding RIGHT NOW.

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