Full Disclosure May Come Post-Election
But, I would bet dollars to donuts that if the repugs retained control over the House and the Senate after November, then full disclosure will never happen.It may be a hard pill to swallow for some of you who don't trust democrats either. But, if ever there was a reason to elect Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections, WaPo has articulated it in their article, Panel Set to Release Just Part of Report On Run-Up to War. It's really evident to me that the controlling repugnants are hoping that their good looks will carry them into victory in the elections. They sure as shit cannot count on integrity, honesty, or morality to carry them to victory. They've got none. NONE.
According to this article, they are releasing only two less controversial chapters.
A long-awaited Senate analysis comparing the Bush administration's public statements about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein with the evidence senior officials reviewed in private remains mired in partisan recrimination and will not be released before the November elections, key senators said yesterday.At the very least, I hope these two chapters get lots and LOTS of press in the run-up to the November elections. No doubt, there will be lots of debate and controversy. And, I bet that the repugs will be doing lots and LOTS of back peddling in how they supported this insane administration's drum beating run-up to attack Iraq.
Instead, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence will vote today to declassify two less controversial chapters of the panel's report, on the use of intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war, for release as early as Friday. One chapter has concluded that Iraqi exiles in the Iraqi National Congress, who were subsidized by the U.S. government, tried to influence the views of intelligence officers analyzing Hussein's efforts to create weapons of mass destruction.
Yes, boys and girls, this administration is insane. George W. Bush is insane. The same way that the fascists in Germany and Italy were insane in the early and mid-1900's. And, what's more insane is that the conservative ilk in the United States blindly and insanely followed their lunatic leaders, no questions asked. That's the most insane thing; the most troubling. We cannot allow these lunatics to win in November. That would be THE MOST INSANE thing of all.
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