The Conspiracy
I originally found out about this at Taylor Marsh's blogsite, and by following the links there, finally came upon this article at The Mahablog. In the article, Busted. Again, is a horrific case against the dubya administration about how they continually prevented the capture or even killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was operating the only al-Qaida terrorist training camp in Iraq before the US invasion in 2003. What is so critical about the story is that this training camp "was operating in Iraqi Kurdistan, which had been protected from Saddam Hussein by U.S. air power and was not under Saddam Hussein’s control." Basically, it makes the case that the bushies did not want to bust up this camp because it was the one and only thing that they could use to tie Saddam to Al Queda, albeit erroneously. This is horrific.“Mr Bush had Zarqawi in his sights almost every day for a year before the invasion of Iraq and he didn’t shoot because they were wining and dining the French in an effort to get them to assist us in the invasion of Iraq,” he told Four Corners.We are now three years past "Mission Accomplished". But now, that wonderful event is now being characterized as a "turning point". Bull puckies!! The turning point was when the neocons were handed the 2000 election by the Supreme Court. That was the real turning point.
We now have over 2400 dead American soldiers, 50,000 or whatever dead Iraqis, 100,000 displaced and homeless Iraqis, the largest American embassy in the world being built in Baghdad, along with umpteen permanent military bases, and $billions$ of American tax dollars spent on this carefully planned and carried out debaucle.
Impeachment of Bush, Cheney and the rest of the neocons is the only option. Prison terms for treason is the only option for these scumbags. How horrible this all must be for the families of the dead American soldiers who were duped by these lies. How horrible this must be for the soldiers who returned missing limbs, eyesight, and maimed for life because of these lies. How utterly horrible this is for the Iraqis who live this horror day in and day out, with little or no water, electricity, health care, schools and universities, and whatever else the US destroyed over there.
If I believed in the death penalty, I'd surely recommend it for Bush and Cheney. But, I don't. I do think, however, that it would suffice to know that they are serving out the rest of their lives in some prison cell, doing hard time, eating prison food, and getting one hour a day of exercise. Yeah, that would be appropriate. Death would be too good for them.
10 comment(s):
anyone who still sides with the chimp is either delusional or stupid.
BTw, I like your new template
Anonymous, at
12:36 PM
I'm working on the template right now. Yikes, tons of work........
Sometimes I wonder why I bother. But, I really want to make it "mine".
Dusty Dog, at
12:40 PM
The site is so much better. Worth the work. Learning curves are so frustrating, but when achieved, so satisfying.
This site is truly "yours"!
Anonymous, at
2:23 PM
Thanks, Nan. I am not finished, as I want to do a lot of tweaking now. But, I've got places to go, parties to attend, beer to drink. but, I gotta walk the dusty, blowing-her-coat doggie first. I'm working on a graphic, a kind of logo to add to the title bar. The logo will be the easy part. Adding it without screwing up the template will be the challenge. But, it's that learning curve thang............
Dusty Dog, at
3:21 PM
Great new look... I like it!
Anonymous, at
3:45 AM
thanks, Steve. I've been playing with the template code, learning lots of what NOT to do along the way. Even though I'm close to what I want, obviously, I still have a way to go. Stay tuned.
BTW, I noticed that lil nazi is back. I knew she was going to do what she habitually chastised other for doing. Yeah, every once in a while I go back to ju, and compare what they're posting to what's really happening. Decidedly and deliberately clueless bunch of jingos.
Dusty Dog, at
8:00 AM
Yup... I noticed...
I got them all upset the other day and yesterday wound up defending Brians thread on Cindy in Canada. I left but returned after awhile... but I think from now on I'll just visit... there's not 'a soul worth saving there'...
Anonymous, at
10:08 AM
I have to pop by every few months to remind myself how stupid they are...
and I wanted to make sure I got rid of any credibility I had with the morons there by posting something based on reality... and I think I managed to do it in under 48 hours... That's faster than Chimpie pissed away his political capital!
Anonymous, at
12:28 PM
I like the dog pic you've got up at the top. Your template skills are making my plain sidebar look bad!
Anonymous, at
11:25 PM
latour, it's all about time. How much time you feel like investing in your blog. Goddamm, I spend way too much time on this thing..........
As for the dog, thanks. Again, it took time. I'm still trying to figure out how to make the text even with the image, instead of on lines below. My title bar is just way too big. Time.............. and right now, I'm late for work, as usual.
Dusty Dog, at
8:25 AM
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