The Dusty Dog

Thursday, October 13, 2005

We Apologize

I just came across this photo at a blogsite, as I was surfing blogs looking for good stuff. This image qualifies. I left a comment on the blogsite, blue gal in a red state, asking if I could reproduce the photo here. I did not wait for a reply, so I'm taking the chance and going ahead with this posting. I like it that much. Likely, the photo is not real, as I'm sure the state DOT would never get away with this. Likely, it's a good effort with Photoshop. I love it, anyway. I am impressed.

But, one thing I am not is an apologist for our dumbya idiot in the White Wash, I mean House. I leave the apologies to the neocon deathcult morons who stand behind their stupid leader and apologize continually, rationalize continually, making it all up as they go along. Don't blame me. I voted for Kerry. Posted by Picasa

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