The Dusty Dog

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Fiscal Responsibility For Stupid People

Yearly US Budget Deficit or Surplus
1961-2004 (in $Billions)

This chart is constructed by using data from the Congressional Budget Office's own website. I found it at Conservatively Incorrect. It's a very telling visual about how voodoo economics, ie or aka Trickledown, ie or aka Reaganomics, is a proven failure. What's missing here is a visual showing where the money went. That is, based on the voodoo economics of tax cuts to "strengthen" the economy, we would like to know how much of this borrowed money went to whom, and for what? Certainly given that the gap between the rich and the poor has increased along with the percentage of poor to rich, without even discussing what is happening to the middle class, I'd suggest that the tax cuts, ie reaganomics, is merely a predominant and audacious transfer of money from the poor to the very wealthy. I guess, according to republican philosophies for living, debts are good things, and surpluses are bad, especially when the most wealthy and the corporations are the beneficiaries of the rights to help themselves at the public money trough. Nice.

It's a heckuva good job the bushies are doing. What a way to run a business........ NOT. I suppose, if this was the private sector, and dubya followed in brother Neil's footsteps, he'd try to get a government bailout, akin to the Savings & Loans debaucle. But alas, this is the government, so no bailout is available.

Oh wait!!! Yes, sell it to the American people that national debt is a good thing and it stimulates the economy. Yeah, that's the ticket. Yeah right. I guess the only people who believe that are the ones who have STUPID written across their foreheads.

2 comment(s):

I don't understand why so many people keep praising this supply-side BS.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:53 PM  

Because they are either really stupid, or blind faith. Either way, their really stupid dupes.

By Blogger Dusty Dog, at 6:03 PM  

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