The Dusty Dog

Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Death Of America?

I think not.

The article pretty much sums up why I hate this administration. It's not that the dubya dummies created all these messes, but rather that they refuse to address the issues. They refuse to acknowledge that there are issues. They just parrot these lame and lazy reasonings as to why the US is such a grand nation, the best on the planet, then do what they can to pilfer the hell out of the economy, lie like rugs over a failed war effort, rape the environment so corporate moguls can get richer, etc. I really hate this administration. They have failed this country miserably, and for anyone to think that they are really doing a great job is tantamount to treason.

Yes, I said treason. This administration has undertaken treasonous acts, and supporters of them apparently support those treasonous acts. The worst, of course, is lying this country into a fiasco of a war. The polls, as much as the republican apologists deny their merits, point to the fact that 2/3's of Americans think that invading Iraq was a mistake. I go a bit further. It was not a mistake, but rather a calculated effort to establish a US presence in the Mideast, and secure the Iraqi's treasured oil fields for themselves, which of course, they have also failed at.

I think it's treasonous to deny education to our citizens. It's treasonous to allow corporations to establish laws that result in their huge profits, at the expense of the environments. It's treasonous to make it illegal for government to negotiate lower drug prices so pharmaceutical companies are assured record profits. The list goes on, and may they all rot in hell. I am so sure that neocon supporters and jingos will be quite sorry as historians record this administration as being the most corrupt, least effectual, and truly the worst that this country has ever seen. They will be sorry for being cast in such a bad light, along with their republican "heroes". (It will be interesting to watch how they then distance themselves from the neocons as history is written, but that's another story, yet to be written.)

I do not agree with the title of the Mirror's article. This is not the death of America. But, it is going through some major crises right now, many of which are directly resulting from the foibles and follies of this dubya administration. I am not ashamed to be an American. But, I am ashamed that so many Americans actually voted for these crooks.

Following are a few exerpts from the article:

America's sense of itself - its pride in its power - has been profoundly damaged.

They [Americans] have watched with growing disbelief and horror as a convergence of events - dominated by the unending war in Iraq and two hurricanes - have exposed ugly and disturbing things in the undergrowth that shame and embarrass Americans and undermine their belief in the nation and its values.


AMERICA, which has the world's costliest health care, had, it turned out, higher infant mortality rates than the broke and despised Cuba.

Tom De Lay, Republican enforcer in the House of Representatives, was indicted for conspiracy and money laundering. The leader of the Republicans in the Senate was under investigation for his stock dealings. And Osama bin Laden was still on the loose.


The catalogue of afflictions is long and grisly. Hurricane Katrina revealed confusion and incompetence throughout government, from town hall to White House.

President Bush, accused of an alarming failure of leadership over the disaster, has now been to the Gulf coast seven times for carefully orchestrated photo opps.

But his approval has dropped below 40 per cent. Public doubt about his capacity to deal with pressing problems is growing.

Americans feel ashamed by the violent, predatory behaviour Katrina triggered - nothing similar happened in the tsunami-hit Third World countries - and by the deep racial and class divisions it revealed.

The press has since been giving the country a crash course on poverty and race, informing the flag wavers that an uncaring America may be No.1 on the world inequities index.

IT has 37 million living under the poverty line, largely unnoticed by the richest in a country with more than three million millionaires.

The typical white family has $80,000 in assets; the average black family about $6,000. It's a wealth gap out of the Middle Ages. Some 46 million can't afford health insurance, 18,000 of whom will die early because of it.

The US, we learn, is 43rd in the world infant mortality rankings. A baby born in Beijing has nearly three times the chance of reaching its first birthday than a baby born in Washington. Those who survive face rotten schools. On reading and maths tests for 15-year-olds, America is 24th out of 29 nations.

On the other side of the tracks, 18 corporate executives have so far been jailed for cooking the books and looting billions. The prosecution of Mr Bush's pals at Enron - the showcase trial of the greed-is-good culture - will be soon.

But the backroom deal lives on and, in an orgy of cronyism, billions of dollars are being carved up in no-bid contracts awarded to politically-connected firms for work in the hurricane-hit states and in Iraq.

The war, seen as unwinnable, is becoming a bleak burden, with nearly 2,000 American dead. Two-thirds think the invasion was a mistake.

The war costs $6billion a month, driving up a nose-bleed high $331billion budget deficit. In five years the conflict will have cost each American family $11,300, it is said.

And, last is this paragraph, which I do hope, like hope itself, is true:

America's sense of itself - its pride in its power and authority, its faith in its institutions and its belief in its leaders - has been profoundly damaged. And now the talking heads in Washington predict dramatic political change and the death of the Republicans' hope of becoming the permanent government.

Yes, boys and girls, I anticipate that this dumbass administration will be the death of the Republicans' stranglehold on American politics and discourse. May they rot in hell for what they have done to us all. And we, as a great nation, will survive. But, we have lots of work to do to recover from the damage done by these idiots.

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