Consider Me Banned
I was banned from joeuser. I found my way there because of my interest in computer skinning. In fact, I wrote about them in my very first article here at Dusty Doggie. But, I was banned. I was banned because I called the racist little whip a racist bitch. I was banned because I lashed out at the neocon deathcult mongering dubya apologists who accuse me of having no concern for humanity because I post such articles as A Show For The Sheeple, We're Making Headway In Iraq, and of course the one that got me banned, Dubya Is Getting Hammered.Well, I knew when I realized that the site was a bastion of racist jingos, that I'd post until they banned me completely. So, I'm done with them. I am content in knowing that they are stupid dumbass jingos who are incapable of seeing the writing on the wall, that being that the entire deathcult dubya adminstration is in major trouble. Our administration has been outed.
The outing of WHIG (White House Iraq Group) was huge. It was evidence that our government was, in fact, being circumvented by a bunch of extremist fascists who only wanted to "liberate the American oil that was located under Iraq's soil." ( read that somewhere, but I do not remember where. I like it.) The illegalities committed by the top eschelon of the righty heap is so telling of their self-serving, greedy conflicts of interest. Of course, that would be Frist, DeLay, Libby, and Cheney, just to name of few of the most prominent. They are in trouble, and I celebrate their demise.
Their follies have led to the deaths of almost 2,000 American soldiers, 30,000 or more Iraqi civilians, thousands upon thousands of maimed individuals on both sides, and the destruction of the only secular country of the Arab world. Of course, Saddam was a tyrant, and yes, he killed thousands of his citizens. But, what is so sad is that the US, under Reagan and Bush the first, were complicit in his tyranny. Two great websites to read that illustrates this point are From the Wilderness and Greg Palast's writings. But, these writing are only about the Iraq debaucle.
Let us not forget the misery that these neocon dumbasses have created here in this country. They have passed legislation that enables them to cut $50 billion from the most destitute of our country to pay for the Katrina cleanup and rebuilding. And, as insult added to injury, though this did come first, dubya cancelled the requirements of the Davis Bacon act, so his cronies and corporate buddies can reap higher profits of the backs of the American workers. Education has been cut, medicaid is definitely in their sights, as is food stamps, welfare, housing, national parks and forests, the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, heating subsidies, education, just to name a few.
One of my favorite forums to post at is Randi Rhodes. There is no hypocritical banning of swear words. There are no hypocritical racist jingos who have coopted the site, as did little whip at joeuser. I invite my readers to go there and give that dispiccable bitch the hell she deserves. Or not. I really don't care. Anyway, at Randi's forum, there are just a bunch of really angry people, like me, who need to vent, and who need to learn, and I do learn tons there, as much as we can to insure that the deathcult will be defeated in 2006 and beyond. This is the most important goal right now before us, before too much more damage from the dubya cult can occur. We sure have our work cut out for us.
6 comment(s):
JoeUser has become nothing but a voice for the insane. How the administration allows a racist like whip spout her venom is beyond me. Worse yet is they seem to encourage her and reward her with top status. It's a very sad situation.
Consider it an honour to have been banned from there.
Anonymous, at
7:11 AM
Steve, thanks so much for saying this. I know that they are truly nuts, and it isn't me. I guess I got banned because I told them they are nuts. I told them in not so nice a manner, but that doesn't matter. But, thanks for saying it, anyway. They are truly a whacked out bunch.
Dusty Dog, at
6:56 PM
Now that Steve has shown me the light of Blogspot, I think I'm going to leave JU. I'm just sick and tired of some of the morons there, sick and tired of waking up to people calling me an idiot, fascist, racist, terrorist, Stalinist. And most of all, I'm sick of censoring myself to not provoke the wrath of the peanut gallery. Why is it when LW writes racist crap, she is defending freedom of speech, yet when I criticize US policy, I'm a terrorist?
Anonymous, at
11:21 AM
Latour... you just made my day! There is no point in arguing with the brainless elements at JU... its a total waste of time.
They know all the answers... we ar the enemy. They are a dying breed... let them spout their venom, no one is listening!
You cannot stop the wheels of progress and people like us are the engines behind those wheels.
Anonymous, at
6:47 PM
Well, I'm glad to know that it's not just me who experiences this kind discriminatory determination of what is deemed "acceptable". Lil bitch has, without a doubt, coopted that site. But, she's done it with administration's blessings, as Karma is little better than the bitch. And, it's good to know that there are still some sane, rational, compassionate people in the world. Goddamm, if the world was based on the posts at JU, it would be a very sad planet, indeed.
Welcome to my blog, latour.
Dusty Dog, at
7:35 PM
It looks like we got ourselves a decent community of JU exiles here
Anonymous, at
10:23 PM
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