The Dusty Dog

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Neocons and Islamists and War, oh my!

This is a rather shocking graph that I stumbled upon this morning at a site called Opinio Juris. If this is what Muslims really believe, then clearly their countries, their regimes, their governments, whatever, are refusing to allow people to know the truth. And very likely, most of the people are too poor to have personal computers to view the web and read for themselves what really happens. It's a very troubling commentary on Arab societies.

Carried a step further, it's a troubling commentary on what any government can accomplish by keeping its citizens in the dark about its programs. It's a way to manipulate masses, by essentially lying and scheming and repressing the truth. Kind of reminds me of the jingo idiot who blindly follow the dubya regime into a crooked, corporate war. Jingism, blind patriotism, and nationalism are what led the German people down the road to its Nazi conclusion. America is not there, yet, and hopefully will never get there, but no thanks to the neocons who are doing their damnedest to get us there. They will be defeated. They are already going to jail in record numbers. There is hope.

This graph to the right is from the same site. It's also very troubling, as it indicates that many Muslims believe that it's acceptable to target civilians for suicide bombings to protect the Islamic religion. Wow! See what an absense of knowledge can do to society; how it can manipulate people to believe such crap, particularly when I really do believe that most of the victims of such suicide bombings very likely were no threat whatsoever to the Islamic religion, and frankly, the suicide bombing itself is the biggest threat to Islam, in that it actually is a self-defeating mechanism to protect something that was not initially being threatened. Suicide bombing is an evil construct invented by evil people to use political patsies willing to kill themselves to advance a misguided and evil notion of bettering the world. I find the practice to be unconcionable, without any redeeming qualities, and nothing short of crimes against humanity, both in its planning through to its bloody end.

So, what am I trying to say here? I dunno. I hate Islamists, which are not the same as Muslims. Islamists are the radical terrorist faction of Islam who advance suicide bombings and dictatorships in the name of self-righteousness. I hate neocons, not necessarily republicans. Neocons are the radical terrorist faction of the Republican party who advance illegal war, killing and occupation in the name of self-righteousness. Both groups, Islamists and neocons, are liars, intent on duping their followings into believing whatever it takes to advance their own selfish interests.

This chart, also from Opinio Juris, shows that Muslims, as a people, do believe that democracy can be achieved for themselves, that there is some hope. Am I the only one who sees the contradiction here? They want democracy, but they support suicide bombings, and they don't believe that Arabs were involved in 9-11. The author of the article felt optimistic by this latest chart, as do I. But, until people start getting the knowledge they need to achieve commendable societal goals, until governments stop duping and lying to their citizens, such a goal will not happen. The neocons seem to maintain the lies to keep the Islamists infuriated and perpetually suicidal, and the fictitious war on terror just keeps on going and going and going........... And, all people really want is to live free, feed their kids, and work. It's all that simple. They want democracy, but will never get it with the neocons and the islamists fighting for oil and superiority.

2 comment(s):

Here is a link to a video that raises some very important issues. It's a full length movie...1 hour and 21 minutes... but worth every minute of it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:22 PM  

I haven't had a chance to view this video yet, but I did go and look at it. I will definitely watch it, maybe this coming weekend. I'll let you know what I think.

By Blogger Dusty Dog, at 6:51 AM  

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