The Dusty Dog

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Back to Basics

We all know that the dubya dummies are screwing up health care, the environment, educational opportunities, the military, and last but not least, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. However, I just felt like coming back to the beginning here, where a lot of the corruption is centered upon right now, the fucking and illegal war against the Iraqi people. If we were actually afraid of terrorists, we'd be securing our own country. Think how secure we'd be if we spent $300 billion on national security instead of a campaign against a country that had nothing whatsoever to do with the individuals who attacked the US. Visit the National Priorities Project to see what we are really losing out on because of this travesty.

IMPEACH BUSH (.pdf) and the rest of the neocon cockroaches that have infested the White House and Congress

2 comment(s):

They have infested the entire world! More and more countries are getting out their cans of 'raid' and showing them that they are not running the show for them. Hopefully the American people will wake up in time for the next election and make the White House roach free.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:24 PM  

Bush is definitely a war criminal. If there was truly justice in the world he'd be residing at the Hague and preparing his defense. "Mission accomplished"? Insurgency in its "last throes"? Bush and Cheney make me sick.
Now we have this talk of troop withdrawal, but we'll still have 100,000 troops, aka targets, in Iraq. And we'll be there for years to come. How many coalition troops will die? How many innocent Iraqis?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:59 PM  

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