Getting Started
This is my first post in bloggerville. Bloggerville is apparently a very, very big virtual place. Bloggerville is comprised of all blogs from all blog spots from everywhere. Therefore, I was reluctant to start my own blog, as I am not sure I can add to the vast wealth of information and excellent writings that I've found in Bloggerville. I am concerned that my blog, Dusty Doggie, will get lost in Bloggerville. It very well may. But, here goes.......I have been posting to a site called I found the site because of my interest in computer skinning and my account with Stardock, the owner of JoeUser. But, JU is a bastion of reactionary rightwing, often racist, lowbrow postings, and frankly, I'm getting sick of them. There are a few there who I will always hold in the utmost respect (manopeace, myrrander, kingbee, etc.) but the rest can frankly go to hell. But, hell would be too good for them.
Am I being a bit harsh? Yeah. Harsh is what I need to be. If you go there and read some of the posts, you'll likely agree that harsh is really too kind for most of those lowlifes. My sister convinced me to start this blog, because she felt that I was wasting my time there. I think she's right, to some degree. But, I did and do get something out of posting there, amazingly enough. Most notably, I have been forced to research a lot of political points to counter their nonsense. The excercise has made me a better politial debater, as far as facts are concerned.
But, they don't like me there because I swear. OH NO!!! I have been referred to as a "potty mouth". How fucking juvenile is that? But, that really is beside the point. They could care less that I swear. They hate me because I'm a left wing, liberal, anti-dubya individual, and proud of it. They do not like liberals there, at all. In fact, they go out of their collective way to express to liberals what they think of them. I think they are a bunch of blinded, nationalistic jingos who don't know much about anything. I'm being way too kind. Enough of them. I am moving on.
I have this gigundo German Shepherd mix. She weighs in at over 100 pounds, she's beautiful, she's my buddy and she likes to sleep under the porch. She comes out and is horrifically dusty and dirty. Hence the title of this blog. I tried lots of other names, but they were all taken. Even "Dusty Dog". So, after lots of tries, they finally accepted "Dusty Doggie". Dusty Doggie it is. I have arrived. I am now officially a member of Bloggerville.
2 comment(s):
Good thread Dusty... looking forward to reading more. Those three you named from JU must be really great people cause you seem so too ;)
Anonymous, at
12:19 PM
Keep posting on JU. I do, here and there, just to sort of keep the sand in their vaginas. I've moved my serious work over to blogger, and with some work, I've realized there's a lot bigger audience to be had than just the JU echo chamber.
Anonymous, at
1:21 AM
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